Have added a new section to the website, Other cool stuff. I have also got rid of the forum and added a questions
If you can think of another section that needs adding then e-mail me.
I have added, four new picture sections - Animations, Bad Guys, Piccolo and Other. I hope you like them. E-mail
me with comments.
I have added another section - Animations/GIF's, this goes over animations in a much more detailed way. - This idea
was contributed by Fred.
I have mended the Gohan pictures link and have added a new pictures catagory - Gogeta and Vegetto. I have added a few
more pictures to the Gohan section and added an animation to the Vegeta section.
I have added a new section - What is Dragonball? This basically explains what Dragonball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball
GT are about. I have added a few more tunes and a Versus animations section. Also there is a new section of my own
animations coming soon.
I have added a Movies section and added two new animation catagories: My animations and Submitted animations. If you
have an animation of your own that you want added then e-mail it to me and i will add it to the Submited animatons catagories.